Saturday, 23 October 2010

Matchstick Model

Be creative with materials!

London Futures / Metro and Museum of London competition 2010

Check this out!

In the Metro (22/10/2010) an article describes a selection of images as a "Nightmare vision of a future city", showing how London could look if there were natural disasters such as a tornado, blizzards and floods.

Although there is not much time left it is still possible to enter the competition which closes on the 31/10/2010...

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

In addition to France and Italy we also had a day trip to Geneva in Switzerland! 

France and Italy Holiday 2010

On the 4th August 2010 my partner and I went on a driving holiday through France and Italy.

Here are some pictures from various places on the holiday. To begin with here is chateau de Cormatin in Burgandy.